Lose fear of speaking English

Learn to speak English without fears and dictionary



440,00 EUR zzgl. 19% MwSt.



1 Tag




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You are well trained and successful in your area of knowledge. But, when it comes to speaking English with international business people, you feel like losing the situation. You want to say what you want to say, but you start translating from German, forget the words and you are not sure if it is correct what you say. You want the listener to understand your point and see you as the expert in your area of expertise. Your fears sometimes cause a blackout in speaking.

In this workshop:
- You will learn where the fear of speaking English comes from.
- You learn and train 5 basic hacks to deal with your fears and speak fluently in the language level you already have.
- You train with easy and fun tools to express yourself and deliver the message.
- You will learn to stop translating from German and just speak.

  • Lose fear of speaking English (22-2431-00)
    • 23.06.2023, 09:00 Uhr - 23.06.2023, 17:00 Uhr
    • Dozent(en):
Diese Weiterbildung zum Thema Business English beinhaltet:

In this workshop you get answers to the questions:
  • Where does the fear of speaking English come from?
  • What to do with this fear and how to overcome it?
  • What do I do if I don't know the English word?
  • How do I know if I speak correctly?
  • How can I speak faster and better?
  • And you will learn and train:
  • 5 Tips how to speak fluently = without translating every word
After the workshop:
  • you will focus on speaking English in your daily business without using the dictionary, without translating every word.
  • you will know what to do when you have a blackout in english-speaking situations.
  • you will train to focus on the message and the conversation, not on every perfect word.
  • you will be more confident in English conversations.
  • you will be more relaxed in international business situations.
Business people who can speak full sentences in English and work in a company with international customers, suppliers and/or team members
Interactive activities of the input, full day speaking English with trainer and participants, games and visualization of the theory. Please bring a smartphone and earphones with you.
weiterführende / zusätzliche Informationen finden Sie hier zum PDF-Download...
Englisch-Level Selbsteinschätzung: Kann zusammenhängende Sätze sprechen (z.B. Schulenglisch), nach Worten suchend, unperfekte Grammatik.... => genau richtig hier!

Please bring a smartphone and earphones with you.


Kontaktieren Sie uns

Frau Kerstin Wolffgramm

Beraterin für berufliche Weiterbildung

Icon Telefon

0351 8322-337

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